Terms & Conditions

Mayors for Peace Children's Art Competition

City of Rochester Terms and Conditions

Applicant Consent to Use Creative Work

I authorize the City of Rochester to use my creative submission in this application to determine my eligibility for selection for the Mayors for Peace program and for any other purpose reasonably related to the Program. I authorize the City of Rochester to share my application responses with Program partners and/or vendors at its sole discretion for the purposes of Program administration and evaluation. I consent to Program-related calls, texts, and emails from the City of Rochester, its Program partners, and/or vendors.

Guardian Consent to Participate in Program

I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assign, and next of kin, release and agree to hold harmless the City of Rochester, its agents, representatives, employees, officers, and all successors and assigns (collectively the "Released Parties"), from any and all liability, loss, obligations, injuries, damages, expenses, claims, demands, causes of action, costs, or expenses (including attorney's fees) in any way arising from my participation by in the Mayors for Peace program, whether or not arising from negligence of the Released Parties.

I give permission the City of Rochester to use photographs or videos of undersigned student for promotion or marketing purposes or for any other purpose related to the operation of Mayors for Peace or City of Rochester programs.

I understand the agree that if any provision of this Consent & Release of Liability is found to be unenforceable, then a court making such determination shall have the authority to narrow the provision, which shall be enforceable in its narrowed form. Each provision of this Waiver & Release of Liability is independent and severable from each other provision, so if any portion is found unenforceable and not modified, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.

I have been given the opportunity to review and consider this Consent & Release of Liability prior to executing it. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms of this Waiver & Release of Liability.

I acknowledge that my decision to sign this Consent & Release of Liability was voluntary and that I understand its meaning. I agree to the requirements, conditions, waiver, and release set forth in this Waiver & Release of Liability.

Mayors for Peace Terms and Conditions

Children’s Art Competition “Peaceful Towns” 2023 Application Guidelines


To further promote peace education in its member cities, Mayors for Peace holds an art competition on the theme of peace for children ages 6 to 15 in all member cities. The winning entry for the Mayors for Peace President's Award will be adopted as the design for Mayors for Peace clear document folders to be used on various occasions, including United Nations conferences, to promote awareness about the importance of peace education.

Participants and categories

Participants: Children ages 6 to 15 (as of November 1, 2023) who commute to or live in Mayors for Peace member cities.


  1. Category 1 (ages 6 to 10)
  2. Category 2 (ages 11 to 15)


What Peace Means to Me

Artwork requirements

Artwork will have to meet all the following requirements to be eligible for screening. The winning entry for the Mayors for Peace President’s Award will be printed on clear document folders. As such, around 1 cm of the artwork may be cropped out at the edges.

  • Use only white B4-sized (257 mm x 364 mm) or A3-sized (297 mm x 420 mm) paper.
  • Only drawings and paintings are allowed. Photo collages, digital art, etc. will not be accepted. There are no restrictions on the type of materials to be used.
  • Artwork must be drawn/painted on flat surfaces so that they may be scanned.
  • Artwork must not have been submitted to other competitions, except those hosted by member cities where selected artwork will be submitted to the Mayors for Peace Secretariat.
  • Artwork must be produced by an individual (collaborative work by several people will not be accepted).
  • Artwork must not infringe on the rights of a third party, such as copyrights (including animated characters), trademarks, or portrait rights.
  • Emblems for the Red Cross Society and other similar emblems are not allowed.
  • Only one submission per applicant will be allowed.

Application procedure

For applicants:

Submit your artwork along with the completed application form to the city hall of the Mayors for Peace member city where you commute to or live. Do not submit your artwork directly to the Mayors for Peace Secretariat.

For member cities:

Set an application deadline to allow sufficient time for the selection process.

Publicize the competition to schools and other organizations in the region.

  1. Each member city may select up to 5 pieces of artwork (per category) that match the theme and meet the respective requirements for Category 1 (ages 6 to 10) and Category 2 (ages 11 to 15), and submit the entries to the Mayors for Peace Secretariat via Google Forms (https://forms.gle/X4FMTDq7VXk9YDss7).

*As with previous competitions, member cities may submit entries by email

(mayorcon@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp) if they are unable to do so via Google Forms.

Google Forms

*Fill out all fields in English.

*The password for Google Forms will be emailed to respective member cities. Please contact the Secretariat for any inquiries.

  1. Required information

Fill in the city, country/region, name of contact person, e-mail address and phone number of the city.

  1. Artwork scans

Artwork must be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. Create a JPG file (under 10 MB) for each artwork and save it with the filename: submission number_applicant name, before uploading.

For example: “1-1_John Smith”

*Refer to Google Forms for submission numbers.

  1. Application form scans

Fill out the designated PDF form and save it with the filename: submission number_applicant name_Application Form, before uploading. Please note that handwritten entries will not be accepted.

For example: “1-1_John Smith_Application Form.pdf”

*Refer to Google Forms for submission numbers.

  1. Number of submissions

Enter the number of artwork to be submitted to the Mayors for Peace Secretariat as well as the total number of submissions the city received from participants.

Submission via email

*Fill out all fields in English.

Cover Sheet

Fill out the designated PDF form. Please note that handwritten entries will not be accepted.

  1. Artwork scans

Artwork must be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. Create a JPG file for each artwork and save it with the filename: submission number_applicant name.jpg, before uploading.

For example: “1-1_John Smith.jpg”

*Refer to Cover Sheet for submission numbers.

Application form scans

Fill out the designated PDF form and save it with the filename: submission number_applicant name_Application Form. Please note that handwritten entries will not be accepted.

For example: “1-1_John Smith_Application Form.pdf”

*Refer to Cover Sheet for submission numbers.


  • Deadline for submission to the Secretariat: Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 5 pm.
  • Announcement of results: Scheduled for late November 2023 (to be announced on the Mayors for Peace website)

*Member cities from which winning entries are selected will be notified in advance.

  • Shipping of certificates and commemorative gifts: Scheduled for December 2023.


  • One First Prize, two Second Prize, and three Third Prize works will be selected for each category. In addition, special prizes may also be awarded to participants in either category.
  • The Mayors for Peace President’s Award will be awarded to one of the two First Prize works.
  • Certificates and commemorative gifts will be sent to member cities whose works are selected as winners. In addition, the winner of the Mayors for Peace President’s

Award and their member city will each receive 20 clear document folders printed with the name, age, country/region, city of the artist, and the image of the submitted artwork.

  • We request that mayors or local representatives of the respective member cities where prize winners commute to or live present certificates and commemorative gifts to the winners if possible.


  • The Mayors for Peace Secretariat shall own copyrights and usage rights to all submitted artwork. The Secretariat also owns the right to publicize, present, exhibit, print and distribute copies of submitted artwork without the artists’ consent.
  • Member cities do not require permission from the Secretariat to hold an exhibition of accepted entries. However, member cities are requested to submit photographs and a summary in writing after the exhibition.
  • If a member city wishes to exhibit artwork submitted to other member cities (including winning entries), or use artwork for purposes other than exhibitions, they must obtain permission from the Mayors for Peace Secretariat in advance and include a credit line such as, “Courtesy of Mayors for Peace” to credit the Secretariat for providing the artwork.
  • The names, ages, member cities, countries or regions, artwork, and peace messages of the prize winners will be posted on the Mayors for Peace website.
  • Member cities are requested to keep artwork until the results are announced.


Mayors for Peace Secretariat

Email: mayorcon@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp

Guardian Consent to participate in programThis call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions